Sign up to become a Friend of Fuse Cinema and you’ll get lots of benefits such as cheaper tickets for the year and a couple of complimentary ones to enjoy our films. Your kind support also helps us to continue operating the cinema and offering the great selection of blockbuster films at affordable prices that Fuse Cinema is so well known for.
Individual Friendship of Fuse Cinema – £25.00 per year
In return for your support you receive:
- Two £5 discount codes, to redeem against any bookings (equivalent to two free member tickets)
- Discounted full price tickets for a year, only pay £5 to a full price screening (which is a £1 saving on our Adult tickets)
- Priority booking information
- Exclusive access to friend nights where you can help shape the cinema, and choose the films we show.
- Occasional member only surprises!
Joint Friendship of Fuse Cinema – £35.00 per year per couple
All the great benefits above but both of you will be able to take advantage of the discounted full price tickets throughout the year.
Choose Direct Debit and save
Join (or rejoin) using Direct Debit and you’ll only pay £20 for a Single Membership or £30 for a Joint Membership.
How to join
Download an application form here or pick one up from our shop next time you visit the Cinema.
If you have any questions, please call us on 01661 839380 or submit the form on this page and one of our team will get back in touch with you.